Do you operate a retail outlet? Would you like to have your own private label? It’s more than possible and more affordable that you might think.
At Qualchem, we can create the perfect cleaning product featuring your brand name, logo and design. It’s a great way to personalise your business and create customer recognition and loyalty.
We offer retailers the opportunity to private label some of our many popular cleaning chemicals. And the good news is, our team at Qualchem can do it all for you. We’ll sit down with you and help you choose the branding and design that best suits your business then look after production, supply and delivery. All you need to do is display it on your shelf.
It’s a great way to grow your business and increase your profits without taking a big risk.
By having your own private label, you set your business apart from your competitors. You’ll also have more flexibility with pricing, product size and packaging.
You know your customer better than anyone else. You know their individual needs and what type of unique products would serve them best. Private label products enable you to customise your product line to fit the needs of your target market.
Being able to offer customers your own branded product helps establish you as an expert in your field and increases customer confidence and loyalty. Private label products enable you to offer a high-quality product, made from the best ingredients, that’s specifically blended to meet your customers’ individual needs.
And every time they use your private label products at home, they are reminded of the great services they receive from you, making them more likely to become a repeat customer.
If you’re interested in creating your own private label, call our friendly staff at Qualchem on (03) 5443 5923 and we’d be happy to arrange a free no obligation consultation.